So Richard Sherman went all ego-maniacal and became the talk of the town. Sadly all the talk is turning out to be far worse than what Richard Sherman actually said. For those of you who missed it, after the game, Seahawks cornerback, Sherman called himself the best corner in the game and called 49er wide receiver Michael Crabtree below average. Then of course social media, (me included) along with every news and sports talk show had an opinion.
Here's my FB post:
"Richard Sherman is just like summer vacation, no class"
I still stand by that post. My definition of class, is how you go about conducting your business. Taking personal shots at an opponent after the game is not a classy move, period!!! I like Sherman, I think if he's not the best corner in the league, he's close. I also love his cockiness and bravado, but still there's a line you don't have to cross. Of course others saw it much differently than that
'He went to shake Crabtree's hand and Crabtree pushed him in the face, so he snapped'
1st of all, if you look at the video. The way Sherman ran up to him, all tip toed like. It Had douche move alert, written all over it. The whole move reeked of insincerity, with that Cheshire grin he gave Crabtree. Some people will say 'how do you know, he was being insincere'?!! Cuz I'm a fucking adult. This isn't my 1st time using the English language. Have you ever have someone say something nice to you and you knew they didn't mean it?
"It was in the heat of the moment"
I call bull shit. Sherman has a small but growing history of making these kind of comments. Not only did he say it after the game, but he celebrated, showered and continued to attack Crabtree. Ain't no heat after taking a hot shower, yo!!!
"Richard Sherman is just trying to market himself"
This is a sentiment echoed by the fantastic Stephen A. Smith. Sherman is just trying to break into commercialization that's generally held for the elite (i didn't say white, you di). Though it maybe true. It's totally indefensible. The NFL is not the NBA. The NBA, markets players. The NFL markets teams unless you're an elite Quarterback, ie Peyton Manning, Brady, Brees etc.Fine, Sherman wants to be a household name, but he doesn't have to be a dick about it. Saying you're the best and backing it up will get you plenty of airtime. Just ask Deion Sanders
"He's just venting his frustrations at the system"
He graduated from Stanford, on scholarship, drafted to play in the NFL, pro bowler and widely considered one of the best players in the game. Ummm Richard Sherman destroyed the system.Talking bad about a fellow African Athlete doesn't fly.
"Just good ol white America trying to keep us shackled"
It's hard to ignore, the racist epitaphs put on Richard Sherman for his outburst. It sadly highlights how much further we have to go, for true racial harmony, but that doesn't mean ,we as African Americans should give him a pass. Especially seeing that he was shitting on another African American. Good sportsmanship does not see color.
"He's just a thug"
He gave several interviews that were on point but I like this one the best. No one had a better take on Richard Sherman than Richard Sherman.