Friday, November 11, 2011

Penn St. and Vegas Picks

I just read the 23-page report on the Penn St. scandal and damnnnnn…this is jacked up no matter how you look at it. There are, however, three people who stand out on this matter.

Mike McQueary
At the time, the 28-year-old grad assistant allegedly caught the one that shall remain nameless raping a 10-year-old in the shower. He told his dad and then went through the proper channels of reporting what he had seen. This is not the issue. The issue is this: why did he not stop the rape while it was in progress?

McQueary is getting blasted by the media, perhaps rightly so, and now he is getting death threats. I, however, am a bit more realistic about the situation. Without question, he should have stopped, ensured the safety of the kid, and called the police immediately. That being said, his actions were a product of our society. How many times have we as a society looked the other way, whether it’s watching a group of people kick the crap out of one guy, or knowing that domestic abuse occurs with a neighbor or friend and ignoring it? I mean, in da hood snitching is taught to be wrong. It's a survivor mentality. I know everyone will say, “But it’s different cause there were kids involved.” It’s not. Keep in mind, a janitor was sobbing after watching the nameless one raping a child and he did NOTHING.

I get it. We as a society are judgers. We blast pro athletes when they don't give 110% effort all the time while we ourselves rarely give 100%, especially at work. One of the few things I learned in college was in my interpersonal communications class. Our professor said that it is impossible to be objective about yourself, and I believe that is 100% accurate. This is not me saying that every individual in our society would have acted as McQueary did, but a lot more of us would have done the same thing (or less) if put in his shoes. I think McQueary should have taken action, and I would like to believe I would have as well.

This inevitably falls on Paterno. He is, after all, Pennsylvania State University. Yes, I know that he told the athletic director and president, yada yada yada. But the nameless one was his guy, HIS right hand man, and he did this on Paterno's watch. Lest not people forget that 8 years ago, the athletic director and president of Penn St. tried to fire Paterno, and he said no. The same thing happened to Bobby Bowden, the legendary coach of Florida St., and he said no, but they said, “Um, yes, you're done.” Can you imagine if your boss comes to tell you that you're fired, and your response is “Naw, I’m good,” and you then keep your job?

Joe Pa is the most powerful man on that campus, and when this situation came to his attention he should have spearheaded the investigation instead of passing it off. And, yes, he should’ve been fired immediately. It is, after all, the house that Joe built!

Make no mistake about it, this is a disgusting, disturbed individual, but what he did is, above all else, a mental disease. To prey on young children you have to be sick in the head, and the only way to have a fighting chance is to admit you have a problem and seek immediate help. He did not. He succumbed, and now he has ruined his life and his family's life, and he has sent Penn St. down a terrible path.

Michael Jordan is allegedly leading the charge against the players getting a fair deal. Aaron Rodgers is playing quarterback as well as anyone I have seen play the position. Two of my fantasy football teams are incredibly bad, and someone just beat my high score on Tri-towers at Buffalo Wild Wings. This would have been an incredible shitty week if I did not nail LSU winning out right against Alabama Saturday night. Speaking of which:

Atlanta +1: New Orleans is not a good road team, and Atlanta is in a groove – lock of the week.
Jets -1.5: New England is not playing well, and the Jets to me are the best team in the AFC – 4 stars
Bears-3: The Bears will not get swept by the Lions. Trust me – 3 stars.
Florida St. -9.5: Florida St. is back to playing like a top 10 team. Miami is not – 4 stars.
Arkansas-14: Tennessee can’t match the Razorbacks offense – 3 stars.

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