Friday, October 19, 2012

Playoff baseball and A guaranteed football lock

Baseball has a way of playing out the post season and before it happens you're like i have no idea whats gonna happen but when you see the games play out it makes perfect sense as to why teams are advancing. Case in point the Detroit Tigers, yes they played well the last 2 weeks of the season, but they also are in the worse division in the American League this year so with all that talent they shouldn't have limped in. Then you see them in the playoffs and it makes sense they have an incredible ace in Justin Verlander and 3 really good pitchers after him and with that offense all they have to do is play solid defense and they are tough to beat. The Yankees have the biggest payroll in baseball and the biggest stars with Jeter, A-Rod and Ichiro but they are home run hitting team, very few guys on their  hit for average anymore so if you keep them in the park they have a hard time manufacturing runs which is almost impossible to win playoff baseball witha home run or bust formula.

The Cardinals lost one of the best managers in baseball history and one of the best players to ever lace 'me up so its easy to discount them, but they have one of the best run organizations in all of sports. They know what it takes to win, they have solid if unspectacular pitching, but they have the best offense suited for post season baseball they manufacture runs ask the fucking Nationals, no lead is safe from them. The Giants are built on pitching but there pitching has not been able to contain the Cardinals and there offense is mediocre at best, so they have a hard time keeping up with the Cards.

This shit is really easy to see as it unfolds. I find myself watching the games going "ooohhhh I get it' and 'now I see', teams like New York and the Braves are built for the regular season and teams like Detroit who is subpar defensively has guys that can strike out 10 batters taking pressure off of there defensive liabilities. While the Cards never panic because they can score lots of runs and the Giants panic because they have a hard time scoring more than 3 runs.So simple this game of baseball is.

I liked Jim Harbaugh as a coach until last night but now I REALLY like Jim Harbaugh, turning down a meaningless safety to preserve a 7 point win and against an 8 point spread, shit like that gives me hope that my boys can go to college and it also gives me hope that I can break my string of mediocrity so lets get down to it shall we:

Minnesota-6.5 over Arizona
The Vikings are playing really good football, even when they were getting ran rough shod by RGIII last week they kept playing hard. Now they are back in the dome and I don't trust Arizona. Quick name Arizona's starting running back, you can't unless your fantasy football team is awful and you are in desperate need of a starting running back and you decided to see if Arizona even actually lined up a starting running back. Now they have a super stud at wide receiver in Larry Fitzgerald but a super dud at QB in Kevin Kolb. So let's do some math, Super Stud receiver - Super dud QB -we're six weeks into the season and I don't know who the fuck Arizona's running back is equals Vikings 27-Cardinals 17

NewOrleans -2.5 over Tampa
The Saints are back baby, sort of. They are not a playoff team but they're definitely not the shitty team we seen the first 4 weeks of the season either. Here's something else to consider, if Tampa Bay plays anyone that has a semblance of talent and the spread is under 3 either way, I bet against them. They are not strong defensively and are not strong enough offensively to keep up with Drew Bree's. let logic take over boo, don't let your love for those cool helmets influence your decision.
Not so Aint's 30 - Tampa 24

Baltimore + 6
What's harder to overcome a thorough ass whooping at home when you hadn't lost all season or losing one of the best defenders that ever played football. Here's my long answer, the Texans were rocked plain and simple and when you are on such a momentus high and come crashing down that hard, it's gonna take something out of you, not only that they were exposed, because guess what they also lost a stud defender in Brian Cushing and the Pack ran up an effortless 42 points on them. I say effortless because they could have scored more. Now the Ravens are without Ray Lewis the player but not Ray Lewis the leader, he tore a muscle but not his ability to give those awesome motivational speeches, nothing rally the troops like a win one for the Gipper speech and even though they will still lose to the Texans they will cover and that's a win
Texans23- Ravens 20

Bears/lions over 47 (lock of the week)
Yo the Bears will score a defensive/special-teams TD this Monday. It's what they do at home on Monday Night Football. Now you never factor that in when betting over/unders so that's a bonus, which means that now only 41 points has to be scored to cover. Detroit does not have the defense to consistently stop Chicago and because Detroit believes that they can come back on anyone they will keep attacking the Bears til the bitter end of a shoot out Bears 31-Detroit 27

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